Scientific evidence demonstrates that when abortions are available and accessible, maternal mortality’s lower, teen births and marriages are fewer, women are more likely to finish high school, attend college, and obtain higher-paying jobs, and their children are less likely to be single parents or welfare recipients and more likely to graduate from college. The Supreme Court is denying women and their families the right to succeed and our society to benefit.

FRIDAY RECAP: may 20, 2022
The message from this week’s midterm primaries is clearly that, this November, the life of our democracy is on the ballot.
Every week, we try to bring you stories and give you actions you can take on important issues. But they add up to one thing: our democracy is taking a beating, And we all need to get involved and resuscitate America.
MAY 19: Behind The Mommy Mask: the “mothers” fighting the War Against Women

Behind The Mommy Mask: the “mothers” fighting the War Against Women
Popular legislation about reproductive freedom, universal healthcare, federally subsidized childcare, and more favored by most women is being torn apart systematically by rightwing so-called “non-partisan” women’s groups that are funded by rightwing anti-feminist billionaires and corporations. We need to make this dark money public and keep our private lives private.

Republicans have been using racism since Nixon’s day. Now, they’ve weaponized a new racist conspiracy theory to further frighten White people. The Great Replacement Theory plays on fears that minorities are replacing White culture and power. It has become an “engine of racist terror.” Racists marched in Charlottesville, VA, shouting, “we will not be replaced.” Now they’re shooting “replacers” in New Zealand, El Paso, Charlestown, and Buffalo. This rhetoric is lethal.

Overturning Roe v. Wade will clearly demonstrate that MAGA Republicans have packed the Supreme Court with ideologues committed to imposing their patriarchal, conservative Christian vision on America—an indication that we will soon be living in a theocracy, not a democracy. Americans will lose our reproductive freedom immediately and other privacy-based constitutional rights soon thereafter. And no other precedents will be safe from these ideological zealots. The only way to stop this runaway train is by passing the Judiciary Act, which will rebalance SCOTUS by adding four justices who will honor the constitution and safeguard our democracy.

FRIDAY RECAP: may 13, 2022
Democracy relies on the wisdom of a majority. This week we see the danger and destruction when a country’s direction is set by a minority or even one person. So this week, our Indivisible Oregon’s Daily Actions focused on:
May 10: CONGRESS MUST PROTECT WOMEN’S RIGHT TO CONTROL THEIR BODIES - Read it here: https://www.indivisibleor.org/daily-actions/2022-05-10
MAY 11: PUTIN’S WAR INTENSIFIES WORLD FOOD CRISIS - Read it here: https://www.indivisibleor.org/daily-actions/2022-05-12
MAY 12: CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS SAY: “ROME WASN’T BURNED IN A DAY” BUT REVOKING ROE IS START - Read it here https://www.indivisibleor.org/daily-actions/2022-05-12

“rome wasn’t burned in a day,” but revoking roe is a start
Conservative evangelicals have engaged in decades of cultural battles and often lost. But one of their many crusades has been to insert enough like-minded Justices to capture the Supreme Court. Trump gave them three and solidified ultra-conservative, even biblical-tinged rule. If the Court reverses Roe, overruling decades of precedent and even massive public opinion, the future of our culture, politics, race relations, poverty programs, and climate will be dictated by a handful of unelected, untruthful, and unaccountable Christians.

Russian Invasion Intensifies World Food Crises
Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has exacerbated the world food supply. Millions of poor people from the Middle East to Asia and from Africa to the Caribbean are facing acute shortages of basic foodstuffs as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and their blockade of exports of grain from Ukraine. The U.S. government has committed to protecting Ukraine’s frail democracy. It, along with other Western governments, must also provide massive food aid to forestall a famine in countries already suffering from droughts, unprecedented heatwaves and Covid.

Justice Alito’s draft opinion overturning women’s right to control their reproduction ignores precedent, relies on a faulty reading of history, and will greatly harm the most vulnerable Americans and their families. All Senators who claim to care about women’s equality and the health and wellbeing of American families, whatever their party, must show American voters where they stand by passing the Women’s Reproductive Health Act, which will be voted on tomorrow, and working to expand SCOTUS with Justices willing to protect Americans’ fundamental rights.

Biden’s Ukrainian Aid Package is Critical to Defending Democracy
Putin’s invasion of Ukraine starkly demonstrates the conflict between democracy and dictatorship. Biden has committed the US to protecting Ukraine’s fragile democracy. But Americans must simultaneously fight to preserve our democracy which is under constant attack by Trump and MAGA Republicans—demonstrating that we cannot separate domestic and international politics. Americans must stand behind the President on both fronts.

Through manipulation by Trump and McConnell, SCOTUS now has an ultra-conservative majority which is prepared to overturn precedent recognizing women’s right to control their reproductive choices—and possibly other personal liberties that also emanate from the right to privacy, which is protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. To stop this rogue Supreme Court requires both creation of a federal right to abortion and the Court’s rebalancing to reflect the values and life-experiences of Americans.

We Have To Talk About Authoritarianism
By validating extremists and normalizing lawlessness, Trump transformed the GOP into an illiberal, rightwing party opposed to democratic governing. Even worse, his authoritarian brand of politics has trickled down into their states throughout the nation. We must turn out a massive vote at the midterms to protect our democracy.

FRIDAY RECAP: April 29, 2022
All of the issues discussed in this week’s Daily Actions must be faced by Democrats as they prepare for the extremely important midterm elections, which will determine whether we can continue moving towards a government that works for all Americans, not just the rich and powerful.
So, no matter how often you’ve called, commit to at least one more. And whatever the script, keep stressing to our Members of Congress the need to sharpen their message and regularly repeat it–outlining Democratic successes in understandable terms and clearly painting the massive differences between them and obstructionist Trump Republicans.

The January 6 attack on our country was a crime
The January 6 Committee has doggedly interviewed 8,000 witnesses and reviewed tens of thousands of documents to hold accountable those who planned, promoted and paid for the crime. “The illegality of the plan was obvious,” said one federal judge after examining the Committee’s evidence. As the Committee prepares for public hearings in June, we’re beginning to see compelling evidence of the horrendous crime they’ve uncovered.

A constitutional democracy is challenged when a lone judge, can unilaterally dismantle a nationalwide policy, as Judge Mizelle did last week and MAGA judges have been doing since day one of the Biden Administration. To prevent ultra-right groups from being able to effectively judge shop, our Members of Congress must streamline the confirmation process, expand the number of judgeships that can be filled by Biden’s diverse nominees, and work hard to consolidate their control of Congress in 2022.