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Join us to gather in community on zoom and take concrete, impactful action against the Trump agenda. We are inviting Oregon's U.S. Congressional delegation or their staff members to join us. Our goal is to have at least one staff member at each event.

Check back on this post to see which Members of Congress will be represented on this date.

We will present them with a specific, timely action prepared by the Indivisible Oregon’s policy team. See examples of actions here. We will also have opportunities for participants to share their own brief messages with our elected officials and share community updates and events.We will push our Members of U.S. Congress to stand up to Trump’s descent toward authoritarianism. We’ll strengthen their resolve to push back against the perilous Trump agenda. Check Back for more information.

Please register here.

March 24

Phone Bank for Wisconsin Supreme Court election on April 1

March 27

what’s the plan? indivisible national call