QUICK READ: Trump’s been selling his racist, white supremacist mass deportation scheme with lies, and like with everything else he’s hawking, ordinary Americans will suffer. Mass deportation will have immense costs for our friends and family, our neighbors, our communities, and our economy, while providing no benefits to American workers or other citizens—and a huge price tag, estimated at almost $1 trillion over the next decade. If, as MAGA Republicans claim, our government cannot afford to fully fund Medicaid or feed the hungry, it certainly cannot afford these exorbitant costs either. Our MoCs must oppose every penny in appropriations for Trump’s mass deportation. 



Trump’s entire racist, white supremacist “mass deportation” machine, resting on lies about immigrants, encourages federal agencies to disregard laws; abuse power; terrorize communities; treat undocumented, legal, and citizen detainees like dangerous criminals; and cause widespread racial profiling of people of color. Parents fear going to work, children fear going to school, and families are being torn apart.

Public safety does not require removal of “millions and millions of criminal aliens,” because only 100,000 are presently incarcerated for removable offenses, and convictions of 1/3 of the non-incarcerated were only for illegally entering the country or traffic violations. Moreover, undocumented immigrants are half as likely to commit serious crimes as native-born Americans.

America’s not overrun by immigrants. Their 15% share of the population’s roughly the same as at the beginning of the 20th century.

Immigrants don’t take citizens’ jobs. Instead, they fill existing labor shortages and do unsafe or poorly paid work citizens reject. 

Rather than overusing scarce public benefits, undocumented immigrants annually pay $96+ billion in federal, state, and local taxes but are ineligible for most safety net programs.

Mass deportation would hurt everyone—raising grocery and home prices, destroying jobs, reducing the customer base, and shrinking the economy, while juicing inflation.

But it would hurt citizens more because we have to pay its costs:

  • Trump’s already requesting $86+ billion.

  • Congress’ reconciliation bills provide $350 billion, paid for by massive cuts to Medicaid, ACA benefits, Pell grants, and food assistance programs.

  • Its decade-long cost estimate is almost $1 trillion.

Our MoCs must say “NO” to funding Trump’s racist, white supremacist mass deportation machine.

ACTION One: Call the Senate.

Script for Oregon Senators

SEN. MERKLEY: Portland office: 503-326-3386 | D.C. office: 202-224-3753

My name is [--] and I'm a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

Trump’s racist, white supremacist mass deportation machine has already committed atrocities against our friends, our families, and our communities, and the economy is beginning to sour. Unless we are able to stop him, things will only worsen in the coming months. Its price tag will also be enormous. Trump is demanding start-up costs of more than $86 billion, and taxpayers will be out almost $1 trillion over the next decade. This racist scheme violates both international and federal law, and it will be a human rights disaster for immigrant communities and economically, politically, and culturally disastrous for the rest of us. I expect you to oppose every penny in appropriations for Trump’s mass deportation and to regularly publicly expose the cruelty of those supporting and carrying it out.


Portland office: 503-326-7525 | D.C. office: 202-224-5244

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

Trump’s racist, white supremacist mass deportation machine has already committed atrocities against our friends, our families, and our communities, and the economy is beginning to sour. Unless we are able to stop him, things will only worsen in the coming months. Its price tag will also be enormous. Trump is demanding start-up costs of more than $86 billion, and taxpayers will be out almost $1 trillion over the next decade. This racist scheme violates both international and federal law, and it will be a human rights disaster for immigrant communities and economically, politically, and culturally disastrous for the rest of us. I expect you to oppose every penny in appropriations for Trump’s mass deportation and to regularly publicly expose the cruelty of those supporting and carrying it out.

Script for Republican Senators

D.C switchboard: 202-224-3121

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], [state], [zip code].

Shame on you for being too afraid of Trump to speak out against the atrocities already being committed against anyone ICE stereotypes as an immigrant. This racist, white supremacist mass deportation machine violates both international and federal law, and it will be disastrous for your constituents. It is time to support the people who elected you, all of whom will suffer if Trump is successful in deporting the many millions he wants to. Your constituents are watching you.

ACTION TWO: Call the House.

Script for Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01)

Oregon office: 503-469-6010 | DC office: 202-225-0855

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

Trump’s racist, white supremacist mass deportation machine has already committed atrocities against our friends, our families, and our communities, and the economy is beginning to sour. Unless we are able to stop him, things will only worsen in the coming months. Its price tag will also be enormous. Trump is demanding start-up costs of more than $86 billion, and taxpayers will be out almost $1 trillion over the next decade. This racist scheme violates both international and federal law, and it will be a human rights disaster for immigrant communities and economically, politically, and culturally disastrous for the rest of us. I expect you to oppose every penny in appropriations for Trump’s mass deportation and to regularly publicly expose the cruelty of those supporting and carrying it out.

Script for Cliff Bentz (OR-02)

Medford office: 541-776-4646 | DC office: 202-225-6730

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

Shame on you for being too afraid of Trump to speak out against the atrocities already being committed against anyone ICE stereotypes as an immigrant. This racist, white supremacist mass deportation machine violates both international and federal law, and it will be disastrous for your constituents. It is time to support the people who elected you, all of whom will suffer if Trump is successful in deporting the many millions he wants to. Your constituents are watching you.

Script for Maxine Dexter (OR-03)

Oregon office: 503-231-2300 | DC office: 202-225-4811

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

Trump’s racist, white supremacist mass deportation machine has already committed atrocities against our friends, our families, and our communities, and the economy is beginning to sour. Unless we are able to stop him, things will only worsen in the coming months. Its price tag will also be enormous. Trump is demanding start-up costs of more than $86 billion, and taxpayers will be out almost $1 trillion over the next decade. This racist scheme violates both international and federal law, and it will be a human rights disaster for immigrant communities and economically, politically, and culturally disastrous for the rest of us. I expect you to oppose every penny in appropriations for Trump’s mass deportation and to regularly publicly expose the cruelty of those supporting and carrying it out.

Script for Val Hoyle (OR-04)

Eugene office: 541-465-6732 | DC office: 202-225-6416

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

Trump’s racist, white supremacist mass deportation machine has already committed atrocities against our friends, our families, and our communities, and the economy is beginning to sour. Unless we are able to stop him, things will only worsen in the coming months. Its price tag will also be enormous. Trump is demanding start-up costs of more than $86 billion, and taxpayers will be out almost $1 trillion over the next decade. This racist scheme violates both international and federal law, and it will be a human rights disaster for immigrant communities and economically, politically, and culturally disastrous for the rest of us. I expect you to oppose every penny in appropriations for Trump’s mass deportation and to regularly publicly expose the cruelty of those supporting and carrying it out.

SCRIPT FOR Janelle Bynum (OR-05)

DC office: 202-225-5711

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

Trump’s racist, white supremacist mass deportation machine has already committed atrocities against our friends, our families, and our communities, and the economy is beginning to sour. Unless we are able to stop him, things will only worsen in the coming months. Its price tag will also be enormous. Trump is demanding start-up costs of more than $86 billion, and taxpayers will be out almost $1 trillion over the next decade. This racist scheme violates both international and federal law, and it will be a human rights disaster for immigrant communities and economically, politically, and culturally disastrous for the rest of us. I expect you to oppose every penny in appropriations for Trump’s mass deportation and to regularly publicly expose the cruelty of those supporting and carrying it out.

Script for Andrea Salinas (OR-06)

Salem office: 503-385-0906 | DC office: 202-225-5643

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

Trump’s racist, white supremacist mass deportation machine has already committed atrocities against our friends, our families, and our communities, and the economy is beginning to sour. Unless we are able to stop him, things will only worsen in the coming months. Its price tag will also be enormous. Trump is demanding start-up costs of more than $86 billion, and taxpayers will be out almost $1 trillion over the next decade. This racist scheme violates both international and federal law, and it will be a human rights disaster for immigrant communities and economically, politically, and culturally disastrous for the rest of us. I expect you to oppose every penny in appropriations for Trump’s mass deportation and to regularly publicly expose the cruelty of those supporting and carrying it out.

